Remix of Diplo's Horsey
Tuesday, November 15, 2011Hey Party People!
I have gotten some really good tracks in my SoundCloud account lately and I wanted to throw this one out there immediately because it woke me up from a long day at work. Part of the MadDecent Horsey Remix Contest I think it would be a great interlude, something to loop and tell everyone in the crowd how sexy they are and then bust that midi at 1:30 out to get the party jumping. I think this one takes the cake out of the mixes I peeped.*
Get up on it and Ride that thang.
Just scouted this one too...what do you think? I like how it invites me to the most amazing fair the city could throw, then lures me into a haunted house of pure-dance ecstasy.
*Sergio Paramo has a pretty wicked take on the song too if you like house-y horsey ;)