Rue de Robots
Tuesday, April 05, 2011
Well the first song is just fantastic and then I looked up the video and pure gold. I don't know what the deal is with old people doing crazy things lately but whatever they got me hooked. (they being upcoming French Directors DoubleZero) Check out the song, it makes sense why these gents are represented by the same group that works with Mr. Oizo.
Munk "Rue de Rome"
So now you have the Rue, how about the robots?
Robot Chicken does a good job sometimes, a lot of filler WTF but also some genuinely funny stuff. This one is more kickass than it is funny, and apparently the original song was a knock off of DMX's Get it on the Floor but he cried about it and Seth changed it. Whatever DMX, this came out just fine.
Drop that bass
Bust yo face
CavsCorner is now friends with CircuitCity. It's all about the C's right?